Human Design Genetics Course

Amino acids are chemical energies within us that constitute formulas, patterns and structures
that condition us.
Ra Uru Hu spoke of no-choice, because we are part of an evolutionary program and it is part of our intelligence as a species to follow it.
Genetics do not move just within an individual process, but it is a collective process that refers to all of humanity. What we find in each activation is a collective genetics.
These amino acids are chemical essences that activate and flow in different gates of the bodygraph; the same essence can be present in one, two, three and up to six of its gates.
Each codon expresses a deep genetic chemical quality that constitutes the energy of each gate (hexagram).
In this lab you will learn how the 64 hexagrams are organized according to their genetic relationship, beyond what links them to a channel, current or circuit. It will bring you an empowering perspective into the organic roots of what moves us, and ultimately a greater depth in your understanding of the bodygraph.
The Lab is available as download, and was taught in english by Amaya Blanco Alzola, certified Human Design teacher and analyst with 22 years of experience, direct student of Ra Uru Hu and Alokanand. See her HD trajectory here.
This course has been also translated into Italian by Gerardo Piccolo, if you are interested in it, please contact us.
Pre- Requisites: A basic knowledge of Human Design (LYD and General Education) is recommended. Ideal for students.