ABC: Level 1 of the General Formation of Human Design. Study of the conscious, unconscious, currents, circuits and the 6 lines of the hexagram.
Abstract: attribute of the gates and channels of the Abstraction Circuit of a Human Design Chart, of an emotional, experiential and retrospective character, which seeks to make sense of the past and wishes to share its reflection with the collective.
Activations: themes consistently represented in our Bodygraph as Gates of our design and appear colored in defined centers.
Ajna: Sanskrit term, used in Human Design to refer to the center of conceptualization, or mental consciousness (see Ajna Center).
Astral Chart: although the Human Design chart incorporates some elements of astrology, it is NOT AN ASTRAL CHART (See Astrology).
Astrology: study of the position and movement of the stars, at a given moment in time, and interpretation of their correlation with earthly events. Human Design is not astrology, it does not enter into interpretation, since it is sustained as a logical, empirical and observable science. The main differences lie in the fact that Human Design is a synthesis of many bodies of knowledge, among which is Astrology, as long as it is evident that we are part of something bigger, and the cosmic movement affects us and is affected by us. Human Design uses the astrological calculation for two different crucial moments, not only at the moment of birth, but 88 solar degrees, some 88 days before, which together imprint a specific influence on us through the neutrino current. In this way, a model emerges that can be analyzed and tested both individually and collectively, as it is a universal pattern that anyone who takes the trouble to experiment with it is able to see.
Aura: electromagnetic field that surrounds living beings. In humans it is about four meters in diameter. In Human Design, the aura of each of the four types has a different quality and characteristics that determine its relationship with the other.
- Closed aura: is the aura of the manifesting type that naturally repels, as if it pushes outward when it comes in contact with another aura.
- Enveloping aura: this is the aura of the generator and manifesting generator type; a naturally welcoming aura open to interaction that favors rapprochement.
- Focused aura: is the penetrating aura of the projector type designed to recognize who the other is.
- Resistant and Sampling aura: this is the aura of the reflector type. It is a resistant aura like a kind of Teflon film that protects you as you sample the environments you pass through;
Authority: individual faculty to make decisions that respect your nature, and to communicate with others from honesty. In Human Design we distinguish between Inner Authority and External Authority.
Being: this is what Human Design calls our true identity, which emerges when we live according to the mechanics of our Bodygraph.
Bioform: together with “the vehicle”, it is the name given to the physical body.
Bitterness: theme associated with the distortion (Non-Self) of the Projector type or projected channels, consisting of great resentment towards the other, and towards different aspects of life that resist it when it does not honor its strategy and authority.
Bodygraph: in Human Design, it is the drawing, chart or scheme that represents us and is found inside the Mandala. It contains the 9 centers, 36 channels and 64 gates. You can download yours in pdf format for free from our website:
Cartography: Level 2 of the General Formation of Human Design, study of the mechanics of the 9 centers, the 36 channels and the 64 gates that we can see in a Chart or Bodygraph.
Center: refers to the 9 geometric forms that compose the Bodygraph of a Human Design, 9 cores with a specific theme, capacity or function.
- Ajna Center: center of consciousness, associated with the mind and conceptualization: belief, logical thinking, abstract and individual knowledge.
- Spleen / Splenic Center: center of consciousness, linked to survival, health, well-being, values, taste, intuition and instinct.
- Head / Inspiration Center: center of pressure, related to inspiration and mental pressure (confusion, doubts, mystery, and transcendence).
- Ego / Heart Center: motor center, associated with self-esteem and willpower.
- G Center: center associated with love, direction and identity.
- Throat Center: center related to action, expression and communication.
- Solar Plexus Center: motor and consciousness center (emerging), associated with emotions, feelings, desires, sensitivity and spirit.
- Root Center: pressure and motor center, associated with stress, impulse and adrenaline.
- Sacral Center: motor center, linked to vital, sexual energy and availability for work.
Channel: conduit that connects two centers. It is formed by two gates and its theme is independent of these, as it transcends the sum of the information of both. In the Bodygraph there are 36 channels.
Chiron: small planet discovered in 1978, associated with the “Healer-Hurt” myth. Although Chiron does not activate gates in the Graphic Body; the thematic brought by its position in the Human Design Chart, it constitutes a recurring issue in life, a “wound”, which becomes more evident around the age of 50, a time when it can be “healed”.
Circuit: grouping of channels that have common traits in function and expression. There are six circuits organized in three groups, plus the Integration Channels.
Collective: quality of the gates and channels of the Collective Circuits, (Circuit of Abstraction and Circuit of Logic).
Collective Circuits: includes the Circuits of Abstraction and Logic, which have in common the theme of impersonally sharing with society the themes of the channels and the gates that comprise them.
Color: Part of the substructure of the Hexagram, corresponding to the level below the line. It is analyzed in the Primary Health System (Diet and Environment) and Rave Psychology (Perspective and Motivation).
Conditioning: external pressure exerted by planetary transits and the beings we relate to, which influences our mind/body, causing us to behave or act in a predetermined way based on homogeneous patterns that disconnect us from our own being and, consequently, from our Inner Authority.
Conscious: features of our psyche or mind with which we identify ourselves. In the Bodygraph it is represented by the color black, it is called “Personality”.
Consciousness Centers: centers in which experience acquires the potential to become intelligence with three different themes according to its association with each of the three Consciousness Centers: survival consciousness (Spleen Center), cognitive or rational (Ajna Center) or emotional (Solar Plexus Center, from the year 2027).
Cross of Incarnation: combination of axes in the Mandala that describes a person’s life purpose. It is formed by the Sun-Earth gates of Design and Personality.
- Right angle cross: cross of Incarnation with a personal destiny.
- Left angle cross: cross of Incarnation with a transpersonal destiny.
- Juxtaposed cross: cross of Incarnation with a fixed destiny.
Crystal of Consciousness: an aspect of consciousness. All life forms, even inanimate objects are endowed with the Crystals of Consciousness. Fragment of the structure of the Yang seed or Yin cosmic egg released in the Big Bang.
Definition: those centers and channels that are colored in the Bodygraph, together with the gates that compose them; they represent what is consistent in us. According to how these colored channels and centers are organized, we distinguish 5 possible definitions:
- Without definition: those Bodygraphs in which there are no channels or colored centers. When this situation occurs, the Reflector Type arises.
- Simple or Singular Definition: all the colored centers are connected to each other; that is, one can pass from one to another following completely colored channels.
- Single or Double Split Definition: there are two blocks of colored centers that are not connected to each other.
- Triple Split Definition: there are three blocks of colored centers that are not connected to each other.
- Quadruple Split Definition: there are four blocks of colored centers that are not connected to each other.
Design: our genetic inheritance, aspects related to our body; we do not perceive them consciously so we do not identify with them. In the Bodygraph it appears in red color.
Design Crystal: A primary aspect of form consciousness that determines the biogenetic organization of our body. All that is defined in red in our chart is consistent but unconscious. Settled in the Ajna Center.
Detriment: in the lines that express their thematic in a dual form, one of the two aspects that can be fixed by a planet in a Bodygraph (see Line).
Disappointment: theme of Not-Self associated with the Reflector type consisting of great disenchantment with various aspects of life that do not meet the expectations that had been created. (See Themes of Not-Self).
Dormant gate: gate that is activated by a planet (in an undefined center), but not its harmonic, the complete channel not being formed in the Bodygraph until a transit or another person activates this harmonic gate.
Driver: in Human Design, refers to the Magnetic Monopole; particle located in the G-Center, which holds together the Design Crystal and the Personality Crystal and whose function is to drive us through a precise geometry in space/time (See Magnetic Monopole).
Emotional wave: this is the name given to the fluctuation of the emotional state that goes through successive moods, from pain (negativity, pessimism) to hope (positivity, optimism). It is associated with the Solar Plexus Center, which when defined, warns us that, to find clarity, we must wait for the emotional wave to fluctuate through the different moods before making any decision; this is what is known as Emotional Authority. (See authority).
Energetic Type: referring to 2 of the 4 types, which have consistent access to energy. They are the Generator Type or Manifesting Generator, and the Manifesting Type.
Exaltation: in the lines that express its thematic in a dual form, one of the two aspects that can be fixed by a planet in a Bodygraph (see Line).
External Authority: is related to the consciousness of the passenger, observer that we are of the vehicle we inhabit and the experiences we go through. With the degree of honesty or not with which we communicate.
On the other hand, our mind, far from being able to make decisions for ourselves, is capable of guiding and lending perspective to others.
Sources of External Authority: Ajna Center and Head Center (Inspiration Center).
Frustration: Not-Self theme associated with the Generator type or generated channels consisting of a feeling of impossibility of satisfaction of desires or needs one has in life (see Not-Self Themes).
Gate: name given in Human Design to the Hexagrams. The 64 gates are distributed around the outer ring of the Mandala, and at the same time we find them in the Bodygraph distributed in the different centers. Each gate has a theme and contains 6 lines where it is developed.
Generated channel: refers to the 10 channels that leave the Sacral center connecting it with the G center, the Spleen center, the Solar Plexus center or the Root center (Adrenaline).
Generator: the most abundant of the 4 types, 70% of the population. They are those who have the Sacral Center defined, designed to do, build and work with satisfaction always acting in response.
Hanging gate: a gate that is activated by a planet (in a defined center), but not its harmonic, and the complete channel is not formed in the Bodygraph until a transit or another person activates the harmonic gate.
Harmonic gate: applies to the relationship between two gates that are located at both ends of the same channel in the Bodygraph.
Harmonious: adjective associated to the lines of the hexagram whose thematic creates harmony, and to the profiles that are formed by harmonic lines. Harmony occurs between lines 1 and 4; lines 2 and 5; and lines 3 and 6, which together create the so-called Harmonic Profiles: profile 1/4, profile 4/1, profile 2/5, profile 5/2, profile 3/6 and profile 6/3.
Heart: another way in which Human Design refers to the Ego Center.
Hexagram: set of 6 horizontal parallel lines that can appear continuous (Yang) or discontinuous (Yin). There are 64 possible combinations, that is, 64 hexagrams corresponding to the 64 gates of the Bodygraph. Many of these aspects appear in the form of duality, called “Exaltation” and “Detriment”. (See exaltation and detriment).
Human Design Chart: it refers to the mechanics of your design, it is not a test or an interpretation, it describes concise patterns (See Bodygraph). You can download it in pdf format for free from our website:
I Ching of the Rave: Description of the idea or theme represented by each of the 384 lines that make up the 64 hexagrams.
Individual Circuits: includes the Circuits of Centering and Knowing, whose channels and gates are naturally creative, melancholic and seek the empowerment of individual uniqueness through mutation and differentiation.
Individuality: attribute that tinges the gates and channels of the Individual Circuits, of a melancholic, creative character, that seeks the potentiation of its own uniqueness and its capacity of mutation.
Informing: strategy of the manifesting type. When the manifestor communicates to others the actions he is going to initiate, the resistances in his journey through life dissolve, which brings him peace.
Inner Authority: it is related to different centers defined in our Bodygraph, which point to the most reliable place to make decisions, attending to our body. In case of having several of them defined in a Human Design Chart, to find our authority we will always follow this hierarchical order:
- Emotional Authority (Solar Plexus Center): finding authority in your decisions requires patience, waiting a while for clarity to emerge and letting the emotional wave pass. Spontaneous decisions in the moment are not reliable if your chart shows this center defined; (See emotional wave).
- Sacral Authority (Sacral Center): If the sacral center is colored in your chart, and the emotional center is undefined, decisions obey a physical body response that is heard or felt immediately after a proposal or in response to a stimulus. It is necessary to pay attention to that internal response; to that “Aha” (which will indicate “yes”) or to that “humm” “Uff” (which will indicate “no”). If the body response received is “Mmm” (ambiguous), we can wait, or ask to be asked later or in another way.
- Splenic Authority (Spleen Center): If the spleen center is defined in your chart, and the Sacral Center and Solar Plexus center are undefined, decision making must be listened to in the moment and requires a lot of attention.
- Ego Authority (Heart Center): If the Heart Center is colored in your chart, and the Spleen, Sacral and Emotional Centers are undefined, decision making is based on self-will.
- Authority of Self (Center G): If your Human Design chart is colored with the Identity center (G), and the Heart (Ego), Spleen, Sacral and Solar Plexus Centers are undefined, you must listen to yourself speak, without controlling with your mind what is said. Your truth emerges from your being.
- No Inner Authority: when there is no center defined or the only centers defined in the chart are Head, Ajna or Throat. Although in some book or pdf manual of Human Design it is named as lunar authority or authority of the environment, the original term that Ra Uru Hu, founder of the Human Design System always used in this case was No Internal Authority.
- When all centers are undefined it refers to the Reflector type who has no direct internal authority, because there is no vital force that consistently defines him. His strategy for making important decisions is to wait at least 28 days, and for the Moon to pass through the 64 gates of the Mandala. This time marks a complete pattern in which the moon connects each of the activations present in the chart. Waiting for the full monthly lunar cycle to run its course while talking to people you trust about the decision to make so that you can hear yourself in time is an effective strategy for reliable decision making.
- When only the Ajna Center, the Head Center or the Throat Center are defined, it concerns the Mental Projector type. In this case the strategy for making decisions is to talk to people you trust in order to listen to yourself. It is not a matter of listening to the advice of others but of listening to one’s own considerations about the decision to be made. A good ally for a Mental Projector simply picks up what he hears and acts as a sounding board to accompany him in his process.
Invitation: strategy associated with the Projector type. Not initiating, and, instead, waiting to be invited, causes resistances in the projector’s life to dissolve, bringing him recognition and success.
Line: each of the 6 parallel stripes (continuous or discontinuous) of which the 64 Hexagrams associated with the 64 Gates are composed. The 384 lines represent different aspects of the theme of each gate, arranged in a progression from 1 to 6:
- Line 1: Research
- Line 2: Projection
- Line 3: Adaptation
- Line 4: Externalization
- Line 5: Universalization
- Line 6: Transition
Living Your Design: name of the Human Design initiation workshop that can be done to get into the basics of this science as an individual experiment and also as a prerequisite to be able to access the General Training. You can see more information here:
Logic: attribute that tinges the gates and channels of the Logic Circuit with a quality of focusing rationally on finding a formula, a perfected pattern to guide the collective into the future.
Lunar Nodes: are points in the firmament, which mark the intersection of the Moon’s orbit with the trajectory of the Sun. In Human Design the Nodes form two axes: one in Design and the other in Personality and mark the themes of our environment and our perception respectively.
Magnetic Monopole: particle located in the G-Center, which holds the Crystals of Design and Personality together and dictates our geometry in this life (our transit in space/time) (See Driver).
Mandala: set of two rings surrounding the Bodygraph. The inner ring is divided in 360º, it serves to calculate the position of the stars at the moment of birth and 88 days before; and in it are represented the 12 signs of the zodiac. The outer ring is divided into 384 lines that, in groups of 6, form the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching, assimilated in Human Design with 64 gates. It is used to associate the position of the stars to a series of themes linked to the 64 gates.
Manifesting channel: refers to the 3 channels that connect a motor center, Ego and Solar Plexus, with the Throat center.
Manifesting Generator: subtype of the Generator type, representing 33% of the population. They are those who, in addition to having a defined Sacral Center, have a motor center connected to the Throat Center. They are designed to make, build and work with satisfaction always acting in response. They have a strong tendency to act by initiating impulsively.
Manifestor: one of the 4 types representing 8% of the population. It does not have a defined Sacral Center, but it does have a Motor Center connected to the Throat Center directly or indirectly. Ability to initiate with great potential for impact on others, which avoids resistance if it informs before taking action.
Mind: associated to the Ajna Center, it is spoken of in negative terms when it takes control as Internal Authority and leads us towards conditioning causing the Not-Self to emerge.
Motor Centers: centers that provide energy. There are four motor centers: Sacral Center (vital force, sexual, creative and sustaining energy), Root Center (energy in the form of pressure), Solar Plexus Center (energy to feel, desire, experience) and Ego Center (willpower).
Neutrino: subatomic elementary particle of minute mass generated in the center of stars, which travel through space almost at the speed of light, carrying information.
No-Energetic Type: referring to 2 of the 4 types, which do not have consistent access to energy. They are the Projector Type, and the Reflector Type.
Not-Self: Set of behavior patterns, habits and decisions that take us away from our true self or true identity; since, although we identify them as our own, they are actually the result of the adaptation of our mind to the pressure of external conditioning.
Not-Self themes: specific emotions associated with the different types when they do not follow their strategy and authority in the decision-making process. They are: Anger (Manifesting type); Frustration (Generating type), Bitterness (Projecting type) and Disillusionment (Reflecting type).
Numbers in Human Design: the numbers in a Human Design Chart appear both in the Bodygraph, within the 9 centers, and next to each planet. They range from 1 to 64 and refer to the 64 Gates. We also see decimal numbers, which go from 1 to 6 and allude to the 6 lines contained in each gate. For example: 35.4 points to gate 35 in line 4.
Open: in the Bodygraph of a Human Design chart, a quality associated with the term “undefined”; which we use to designate everything that appears blank (not colored), whether they are doors, channels or centers. These are the places of a Design where a great potential for learning and wisdom resides for you, but also of powerful conditioning.
Passenger: in Human Design, features of our psyche or mind with which we identify ourselves, what we think we are. In the Bodygraph it is represented with the color black, it is called “Personality”. It tends to try to adopt the role of Driver, controlling or directing; which causes the Not-Self and resistances in life to emerge.
Personality: refers to our conscious part; those traits of our psyche or mind with which we identify ourselves. In the Bodygraph it is represented by the color black.
Personality Crystal: Aspect that determines the conscious part of the personality with which we consciously identify ourselves, what we think we think we think we think we are, what we think we are. It is the passenger, the passenger consciousness. Seated above the head, outside the body but within the aura. Fragment of the cosmic Yin egg structure released in the Big Bang; it is associated with the Passenger, the black part of the Graphic Body.
Planets: refers to all the stars that influence with their transits in a Human Design Chart, activating doors and coloring them with their particular theme. The Human Design System contemplates 13:
- Sun: refers to the life force. In personality, it is what is most visible about someone.
- Moon: is associated with the driving force that moves you.
- North Node: speaks about the future direction.
- South Node: talks about the past direction.
- Mercury: relates to communication and thought.
- Venus: related to values and morals.
- Mars: immaturity and dynamism.
- Jupiter: marks the law by which to rule ourselves in order to be successful.
- Saturn: related to discipline, restraint.
- Uranus: the unusual.
- Neptune: reflects that where there is no clarity, it is related to spirituality.
- Pluto: related to hidden truths that bring transformation.
Pressure Centers: in the Graphic Body there are two pressure centers where mental or physical stress is managed, where impulses or stimuli are produced that function as fuel to rationalize (Head Center) or act (Root Center).
Profile: Character, disguise or role through which we experience our daily life. It is made up of two numbers: the first corresponds to our conscious part (mental style, personality) and the second to our unconscious organic nature (body).
Projected channel: refers to the 22 channels that do not connect any motor center to the Throat center, nor belong to the Sacral center.
Projector: one of the 4 types representing 21% of the population. No defined Sacral Center, no Motor Center connected to the Throat Center. Great potential for intelligence and guidance if it waits to be recognized and to receive the right invitation.
Quarters of Mandala: The Mandala wheel is divided into four equal quarters. Each with a specific theme that tinges the gates that make it up. Our Cross of Incarnation, belongs to the quarter where the gate of our Sun of Personality is located; therefore, our life purpose is immersed in the theme of the quarter of our Cross. There are 4 quarters:
- Quarter of Mental Initiation: the purpose of the Cross of Incarnation is fulfilled on the plane of mind, through the renewal of thought, re-educating it, evolving it in mental consciousness.
- Quarter of Civilization: the purpose of the Cross of Incarnation is fulfilled on the plane of form, through concretizing in matter.
- Quarter of Duality and Relationships: the purpose of the Cross of Incarnation is fulfilled through the links or associations we establish with others.
- Quarter of Mutation: the purpose of the Cross of Incarnation is fulfilled through change, transformation and consciousness.
Rage: Not-Self theme associated with the Manifesting type or manifested channels consisting of a feeling of anger or irritability towards different aspects of life (see Not-Self Themes).
Ra Uru Hu: channeler of the Human Design System, disseminator of its content and founder of its teaching methodology.
Rave: in Human Design, word to refer to the human being of 9 centers.
Reflector: the least frequent of the 4 types. It has no defined center, so it has a lot of openness and ability to read the environments in which it finds itself; as well as a great potential for wisdom if it does not identify with what it absorbs. (See type).
Resistances: difficulties or blockages that manifest in the life of the different types when they do not follow their natural strategy (see Strategy).
Response: strategy associated with the Generator and Manifesting Generator type. Not initiating, and, instead, waiting to act in response to a question, proposal or situation; causes the resistances in the generator’s life to dissolve, bringing him satisfaction.
Return: refers to the moment when a celestial body returns to the same point as at the moment of birth. In Human Design, special importance is given to two, for having an important role in the development and evolution of the person.
Return of Chiron: it begins between 48 and 52 years of age approximately.
Return of Saturn: it begins around 30 years of age.
Strategy: way of going through life, aligned with our type, which dissolves resistances, difficulties or blockages in our path.
Stream of consciousness: combination of two channels that link a center of pressure (Head Center or Root Center) to the Throat center by passing through a center of consciousness (Ajna Center, Solar Plexus Center or Spleen Center). There are 9 streams of consciousness: Feelings, Emotion, Sensibility, Taste, Intuition, Instinct, Abstraction, Logic and Knowledge.
Transits: position of the planets at a given moment in time, and interpretation of their influence on earthly events.
Tribal: attribute that tinges the gates and channels of the Ego and Defense Circuit with a willingness to support and meet the basic material and spiritual needs of the person’s immediate circle with whom he or she comes to agreements.
Tribal Circuits: includes the Ego and Defense Circuits; whose channels and gates have in common the willingness to support and meet the basic material and spiritual needs of the person’s closest circle, with whom he/she comes to agreements.
Trigram: each of the two parts into which a Hexagram is divided and which are called the lower trigram (lines 1, 2 and 3) and the upper trigram (lines 4, 5 and 6).
Type: in Human Design, classification made of the population, according to the shape and characteristics of its aura. Each of the 4 types has a different aura that marks a different strategy to go through life.
Unconscious: aspects of our genetic inheritance, which we do not recognize a priori in ourselves, with which we do not usually identify ourselves. In the Bodygraph it appears in red color, it is called “Design”.
Undefined: refers to that which in the Bodygraph appears blank or uncolored, whether gates, channels or centers. These are the areas of a Design where there is more potential for conditioning, but also for wisdom. The undefined in a Design is also called “open”.
Uranus Opposition: refers to the moment when this planet is at the exact opposite point from where it was at the time of birth. In Human Design, it plays an important role in the development and evolution of the person and begins around 40 years of age.
Vehicle: Bioform or Physical Body; in a Human Design Chart, we identify it with the color red.